Title: To Boldly Go Fandom: The Big Bang Theory Pairing: Amy/Penny Prompt: 589 - etiquette Rating: Teen Word Count: 200 Summary: Amy & Penny discuss 'Star Trek'
Title: The Ebb and Flow Prompt: Fear Fandom: Black Sails Pairing: Anne/Max Rating: PG13 Word count: 202 Summary: Max wasn't afraid of the cutlass but she was afraid of Anne's lips. Warnings: Canon-typical threat of violence. Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/5493593
Title: Mothering Instincts Prompt: motherhood Fandom: The Big Bang Theory Pairing: Beverly/Mary Rating: G Word count: 182 Summary: Mary and Beverly work on their mothering instincts.
Title: Despite Our Differences... Prompt: differences Fandom: The Big Bang Theory Pairing: Beverly/Mary Rating: G Word count: 250 Summary: After a while apart Beverly meets Mary again... this time it's easier.
Title: Don't Mix Lightly Author: Temari778 Fandom: The Big Bang Theory Pairing: Penny/Beverly Rating: PG Word Count: 140 Prompt: Bonding Summary: Perhaps Beverly has had too much fun (and whiskey).
Title: Fiction Fandom: The Big Bang Theory Pairing: Amy/Penny Rating: PG Word count: 153 Prompt: Internet Summary: Penny looks up from the laptop, somewhere between flustered and angry.
Title: Have You Tried Turning Her Off And On Again? Prompt: Can't Compute Fandom: The Big Bang Theory Pairing: Amy/Bernadette Rating: PG Word count: 201 Summary: Amy goes onto screensaver, Bernadette wakes her up again. Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/1954479